Re-film blog

Me and my group have moved our film session up to today. We were talking about it and we were both free today so we decided to move up one of our session to today instead of this weekend. We still don’t have our actor for this session but we can at least get the refilling of some of our other scenes done. As I said before re-filming these scenes aren’t really that important but I’d still like to do it since we have the time and I’d like to make it as close to how I want it as possible. For today’s filming session we plan to reshoot a couple of the later scenes. I mostly just want to reshoot these scenes so that we have more variety of footage for them. That way I can see which ones I like best during the editing process. Even though I think having more film might make sorting it more confusing I also think it will be a good thing when editing in case I dont like the way one scene turned out or if I don’t think it fits the right way, I can have another scene that maybe fits in better. 


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