Filming blog

I have been looking through a lot of our filming today and I’ve been making notes on what i think needs to be added or redone. Sadly I think we need to re-film one of the scenes done with our actor. This is a little bit of a set back because it is kinda difficult scheduling with someone who isn’t really affiliated with our project, because obviously they are not going to care as much as me and my group do. However I am not too worried about this set back. I considered just keeping it the way it is and calling it a wrap for filming, but since we still have a bit of time left for our project I think it’s safe to re-film it and try making it as close to how I picture it in my head as possible. So for that reason we will be trying to get a filming session scheduled with the actor sometime next weekend. There is a few other things i’d like to fix up but they aren’t really as important. I’m hoping everything works out well with our actor because that’s the only thing that I am kind of worried about as he can be unreliable.


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