Thriller Genre research
Genre: Thriller Common camera angles I have seen in this genre are high and low angles, however high angles are more common as they convey shock and fear in thrillers. Dutch angles are also frequent in thrillers to generate an uneasy feeling or that something is ominous. Eye-level angles are frequently used with zooms to create tension or show emotion, for example, it could be used to show fear in someone's eyes. Camera movements in thrillers that I have seen most prominently is tracking which could show someone being following. Zooms are also used as they could seem unnatural or artificial, making them perfect for thrillers. Pans and tilts are also used to show scenes and characters, but from what I have seen, tracking and zooms are more common. Camera shots I have seen in thriller movies are establishing shots, wide shots, medium close-ups, long shots, medium shots, close-ups, extreme close-ups, arial shots, two-shots, and over the shoulder shots. Most scenes are shot with a s...
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