
In this project I learned to use an app called cap cut to edit  and put my commercial together. I’ve never used this app before or really any editing app for that matter. Learning how to navigate it actually wasn’t that difficult, it was a pretty simple app. I learned how to add pictures and videos and even songs to my project. For the song I had to learn how to export it to then put it into my project which was probably the most difficult thing to figure out. I also learned how the length and speed at which videos play can have a major effect on a project, just tweaking one little thing can make a big difference. Another thing i’d say I learned was but of time management. When doing the project I made sure to put a bit of time aside to work on it basically every other day. I think this project turned out quite well however i’m hopeful that my next project will be even better. Now that I am familiar with the editing process I think that next time I will be able to focus more on the actual project it self instead of focusing on just figuring out how to do the basics. I will try to make it more exciting and professional looking by testing out different things during the editing process. Besides that I’m happy with how my first media project turned out.


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