AICE Media Research and Planning Blog

 It was a little difficult for me to pick out my photos. One because I don’t have very many pictures of myself. Two because it’s hard for me to pick between the pictures that I do have. This is because I don’t know which ones will be best for representing what I’d like to represent in my commercial. The ones I ended up deciding on were because I felt like they had some sort of meaning and background to them. Even if it was just me having fun at the time. I picked one photo from when I was younger and the rest were more recent. My videos were even more difficult to choose because I have even less videos of myself. Lastly my songs I haven’t chose yet i’m still deciding on what they should be. I think the songs won’t be too difficult to pick so i’m kind of saving them for last. I want to pick songs that fit well into the commercial so i need to first put the commercial together.


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